Win Runner Testing

Win Runner Testing Course :

Course Highlights:

Course Name Win Runner Testing Training
Type Class Room & Online training
Faculty Real time Experience

Tsofttech is a One of the best quality training center for online, Classroom and Corporate trainings In Hyderabad . We are providing Win Runner Testing Online Training through world wide. Tsofttech is excellent Win Runner Testing Training center in Hyderabad. After course we will give support for certification, Resume preparation and how to prepare for interviews

Who Can Learn Win Runner Testing Training

  • Professionals from Analysts background.
  • QA Engineers
  • Testers and technicians
  • Fresher’s / Professionals from any field
  • Project Managers/Any software developer.

With the growing era of technology and need to constantly update oneself to outstand in the competitive market, Tsofttech has come to existence to provide people the knowledge about the latest trends in technology . We provide a team of trainers who will put across a thorough and detailed idea about the respective technical courses that you wish to explore .

Our work doesnot end here. Tsofttech gives an opportunity to work on real time projects which would be guided by our real time trainers. A technical back end team would always be available to answer your queries at any point of time and will also assist you to arrange your training sessions

Win Runner Testing Training Course Information

In Tsofttech all trainers are well experts and providing training with practically..Here we are teaching from basic to advance. Our real time trainers fulfill your dreams and create professionally driven environment. In Win Runner Testing Training we are providing sample live projects, materials, explaining real time scenarios, Interview skills…We are providing Best Win Runner TestingTraining in Hyderabad, India

Why Tsofttech For Win Runner Testing Training ?

Tsofttech is a best training center for Win Runner Testing Training given corporate trainings to different reputed companies. In Win Runner Testing Training all sessions are teaching with examples and with real time scenarios. We are helping in real time how approach job market, Resume preparation, Interview point of preparation, how to solve problem in projects in job environment, information about job market etc.

Tsofttech also providing Win Runner Testing Class Room Training in Hyderabad and online from anywhere. We provide all recordings for classes, materials, sample resumes, and other important stuff. Win Runner Testing Online Training We provide online training through worldwide like India, USA, Japan, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Sweden, South Africa, and etc. linux admin online Course Corporate Training. Tsofttech providing corporate training world wide depending on Company requirements with well experience real time experts.



  • Introduction To Automation
  • Why and When will we go for Automation
  • Selenium supporting browsers and Platforms
  • Basic Java Concepts
  • Environment needs for Selenium (Complete Set-up with libraries)
  • Difference between different Components of selenium
  • Record and Playback of test scenario with Selenium IDE

  • Web Driver (Selenium 2)

  • Why WebDriver for Selenium
  • WebDriver v/s RC
  • Advantages of WebDriver
  • Installing and Configuring Eclipse for WebDriver
  • Accessing Multiple browsers using WebDriver
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Constructing Xpath for Web-Element using following methods(in Firebug-FirePath)
  • Contains
  • Starts-with
  • Parent
  • Following
  • Preceding
  • Ancestor
  • Descendent
  • Following-sibling
  • Preceding-sibling
  • Normalize-space
  • Substring
  • Handling Attributes of Developer tools of IE(Internet Explorer)
  • Handling Web Elements by using web driver

  • Form Controls

  • Accessing Input box with example
  • Accessing Combo Boxes by using Select and List with example
  • Accessing Checkbox with example
  • Accessing Submit Buttons with example
  • Accessing Links with example

  • Parameterization

  • Accessing the rows and columns of Excel sheet
  • Parameterization of test data using Excel sheet

  • Verification

  • Verifying the properties of the web element with example
  • Verifying the titles, textboxes, Clickable buttons, links with example

  • Integration of AutoIT with selenium in Eclipse Environment

  • Importing AutoIT into Eclipse Environment using JOCOB
  • Implementing AutoIT methods

  • Handling Events on a webpage with Example

  • Keyboard events
  • Mouse Events

  • Handling WebElements by Co-ordinatees

  • Locatable
  • getLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView

  • Synchronization with Web Application

  • WebDriverWait
  • Implicit Wait

  • WebdriverBackedSelenium

  • Integrating WebDriver with Selenium RC (Selenium1)
  • Using selenium RC methods with WebDriver Methods

  • Handling Alerts & Child windows

  • switchToAlert
  • getwindowHandles()
  • Handling Alerts using AutoIT (Integrating AutoIT with Eclipse & WebDriver)
  • Handling webpage frames

  • Screenshot

  • WebDriver – TakesScreenshot
  • Java Robot - createScreenCapture

  • Uploading Files into web page

  • By using WebDriver - SendKeys
  • Java Robot Method

  • TestNG Concepts

  • Preparing TestNG Parallel Suite
  • Running test multiple times, dependsonMethods,Grouping

  • Developing DataDriven testing using TestNG – Data Provider

  • Converting Excel data(or Database) to Multi Dimensional Array using ResultSet(JDBC)
  • Passing the test data to Selenium Script using Data Provider(TestNG)

  • Developing Page Object Model using TestNG – Annotations

  • Maintaining PageObjects, Helpers, Utils, TestRunner with folder structure
  • Implementing TestNG Annotations on testRunner

  • Developing Keyword Framework using Selenium Web Driver (Real Time Environment)

  • Creating Test Scenarios in organized manner in a Excel sheet
  • Executing Test Scenarios in Excel sheet (or Database) by using JDBC-ODBC connection
  • Developing keywords with selenium methods
  • Updating the Test Results after executing each test scenario
  • Capturing screenshots of the failed TestCases
  • Implementing Junit—Java Client Driver Framework
  • Executing test using Apache ANT
  • Integrating AutoIT tool with framework
  • Apache SVN - for code Version Controlling
  • Reporting the results using Jasper IReport

Frequently Asked Questions?

You will never miss a class at Tsofttech ! You can choose either of the two options:
  • You can go through the recorded session of the missed class and the class presentation that are available for online viewing through the LMS.
  • You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch. Please note, access to the course material will be available for lifetime once you have enrolled into the course.
  • Our backend team would be available 24*7 to answer your queries on mail. If in case your query remains unanswered , then we can bring a solution to it by organizing a personal session with our trainer.
  • We would assist your queries even after the training is completed and that is the best part of our services.
  • Tsofttech team will always be available to resolve your doubts at any point of time.
  • However, please understand that we are not into job placements.
  • We have limited number of participants in a live session to maintain the Quality Standards. So, unfortunately participation in a live class without enrolment is not possible.
  • However, you can go through the sample class recording and it would give you a clear insight about how are the classes conducted, quality of instructors and the level of interaction in the class.
  • Tsofttech fundamentally offers you classroom and online training sessions Based on Courses. We are also engaged in Corporate trainings for business enterprises. To check the quality of the training, you may review our sample demo sessions .
  • You can Call us at +919948568787 OR Email us at We shall be glad to assist you.